
What language you prefer most for this blog?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


watch me comment.

i found this in pedestrian a blog run by anti-islam.Here's an anti-malay blog maobi.

Got the info from rajablog

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

YUWIE !!!!

Yuwie is a Social Networking website much like MySpace or FaceBook, but they pay us for participating by sharing the ad revenue that's generated from all the traffic we encourage with our content. The more fun you have, the more pages get viewed, the more ads get displayed and the more money we can make.

register now!!! havfun

view some profile Chi

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Trickery at Shell Gas Stations

Pumps at Shell stations are not labeled consistently; sometimes the price/octane level goes up left to right, and sometimes right to left. I refuse to believe that this is an accident.

There are two plausible explanations:

1. The back to back pumps are mirrored to reduce the amount/complexity of pipe that needs to be used. Those pumps are not all that close to each other though - I'm not convinced that there would be enough of a savings to warrant that design.
2. Shell has built the increased chance of people mistakenly choosing the premium gas into the business model. It is entirely possible that low octane users (the poorer, presumably stupider ones - like me) are more likely to make this mistake, making it a net profitable situation for the stations. Or else so many more people are trying to buy low octane that even at equal mistake rates it is still profitable to encourage confusion.

Social Bookmarking Support for Blogs

I have long resisted putting the myriad of "Digg This", "", etc. buttons on my blogs. Mostly because I am too lazy to keep up with the latest fads, but also because they add a lot of clutter to a page.

Via ScienceText I have discovered a small plugin from AddThis that supports lots of bookmarking sites and will presumably be updated with whatever newest flash-in-the-pan pops up. It was easy to install in Blogger.

One nice feature is that using the button on an article on your main page results in the specific article being bookmarked, rather than your site in general.

They claim to offer usage stats as well - it will be interesting to see if anyone actually uses the thing.

why no one should use hotmail,ever

Having worked with several online businesses that communicate with customers almost exclusively via email, I tend to be concerned about the reliability of the various email services.

The following is a true story, one that will hopefully teach others the futility of trying to work with Hotmail/MSN.

Part 1 - The Reasonable Request
I emailed Hotmail tech support, and explained that emails from my server were being placed in the Junk folder. This was in spite of

* the emails being sent only to customers that had placed an order, and
* the server only sending maybe 50 emails per month to the Hotmail domain.

I received a reply in fairly short order. It touched largely on two points:

* They recommended paying 100s of dollars per year to become a certified sender, which theoretically bypasses all spam filtering.
* They suggested that the emails were failing an SPF check (X-SID-Result: TempError), and that we should go to Microsoft's SenderID page for more details.

Part 2 - The Analysis
I had set up SPF for this domain YEARS ago, but of course was not certain that there wasn't something wrong with the configuration. Following the Microsoft advice, I went to the Port25 Solutions test page and performed some tests: Passed. Doubled checked with DNS Stuff to be sure: Another pass.

Part 3 - Please Sir, Help Me to Understand the Problem
Another email to tech support: "What can I do to fix my SPF problem? The tool you directed me to didn't have any suggestions."

Response: "Yes, your SPF record looks fine. We will ensure that the SPF record is up to date on our end and get back to you."

WTF?! You maintain a cache of stale SPF records? Don't ask, just be thankful they are helping...

Part 4 - A Week Passes, With No Improvement
Yet another email: "What's up guys?"

Rather Snarky Response (from someone different): "Representative X said he will look into it and he will reply when he replies. Further more, we make no guarantees of email delivery. And really, you should just be forking over the cash to SenderScore to ensure delivery."

Here and Now
I never received a response from Representative X, and all the emails are still junked, causing many customer service complaints.

Thanks Hotmail!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Name of Satan

Di dalam Suroh Al-Fatihah, terdapat beberapa kesilapan yang dilakukan secara sengaja atau tidak, oleh sebahagian umat islam.Di bawah merupakan kesilapannya :

1. DU LI LAH (bila dibaca tiada sabdu)sepatutnya DULILLAH

2. HIR ROB (bila dibaca dengan sabdu)sepatutnya HI ROB

3. KIYYAU (bila dibaca dengan sabdu)sepatutnya KI YAU

4. KANNAK (bila dibaca dengan sabdu)sepatutnya KA NAK

5. KANNAS (bila dibaca dengan sabdu)sepatutnya KA NAS

6) Iya (disebut tanpa sabdu) sepatutnya Iyya. Iya bermaksud 'matahari'

Dalam ayat ke 5,jika salah bacaannya akan bermaksud "kepada
mataharilah yang kami sembah dan kepada matahari kami meminta

7) SIROTHOLLAZI............. sehingga habis hendaklah dibaca tanpa

8) AMIN .hendaklah mengaminkan Al-Fatihah dengan betul
iaitu AA...dua harakat, MIN.... 3 harakat, semoga Amin kita
bersamaan dengan Amin malaikat Insya-Allah. semoga kita menjadi
orang yang sentiasa diberkati Allah.Insya-Allah.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Jom usha Cloverfield

A widget for J.J. Abrams upcoming movie flick Cloverfield is now online and includes a 5-minute clip from the film, which hits theaters January 18, 2008.

Check out the widget here below to watch the clip and grab the code to add it to your site.

Yahoo! Movies has also posted a clip called “On The Roof” (1:54) in which the partygoers try to get a view of whatever is attacking New York.

Cloverfield, directed by Matt Reeves, stars T.J. Miller, Michael Stahl-David, Mike Vogel, Lizzy Caplan, and Odette Yustman.
